Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jay Cutler on Outside the Lines

There was an awesome piece on Jay Cutler and how diabetes effected him last year and what he is doing this year to combat the effects.

It was interesting to hear him talk about how he was considering ending his control at the end of last year and how much stronger he is now.

If you get a chance, check it out on ESPN this week, and I will try and find some videos of it to post up here.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Maybe This Will Help Ease the Pain

I didn't get to watch a single down of the Bronocos game, and I'm not a big fan of watching sports center after bad losses (it makes me cry) so I didn't even see a highlight. Until on saw this on the Bronco Talk blog. This is actually theraputic. So maybe this will help ease the pain of the loss.